Choose Your Weapon

In looking inward, and in following and entertaining imagined veins of personal potential, one can often become consumed by the vast theatrics of their narratives. Driven and camouflaged by their seductive and romantic drama, these mere notions or tangents of thought often intermingle with actual foundations of the Self. At significant terms of development it's easy to confuse one with the other. This is the curse of the hypersensitive and delusional. By entertaining all available avenues simultaneously, we are convinced of internal division, where imagined, shadowy figures all split into opposite directions, walking down different roads. Whereas, In reality, we are only at a perpetual crossroads.

But on what grounds can we justify any given direction over another? We are at the disposal of infinite psychological magnets which can pull with overwhelming force, but also have at our disposal a whole host of maps and compasses. But how can we bring ourselves to pick any of them up? They seem to be innately faulty mechanisms. The acute uniqueness of their creators inevitably feeds into the structure of their supposedly universal, “virtuous” systems of navigation. The ego claims to hail from of a vantage point outside his/her self, and to have got a grasp on some kind of objectivity there. This is the achievement boasted by architects of ideologies. There is of course, no such vantage point, and so it follows that we must each build our bridge through life on our own foundations, we could never be satisfied with anyone else's because by design they can only satisfy their creators.


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